Monday, July 15, 2013


The Balinese mythology says that at the beginning of the world there were seven other moons besides the moon could see in the sky. One of the seven moons had fallen down to the earth, shining brightly which made the world have no night but daylight all the time. therefore it was impossible for the thieves to do their work. One of the thieves then urinated upon that fallen moon to extinguish it.

The moon spoken about in that mythology is "Bulan Pejeng", the moon of Pejeng village. It is a big bronze drum from about 300 BC, believed by the locals as sacred, and put on higher shrine in the inner yard of a temple, the temple of Penataran Sasih. It is shaped like a women's hip, nearly 2 meters along the top but smaller in the middle, made of solid bronze and is believed to be the biggest of its kind in the world. The carvings around it form eight faces. The lid side (1.865 meters) is decorated by carvings of star and circle.

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